Fritz Hansen Swan Chair- From the POV of a Reseller

When you are looking to flourish as a furniture seller, there are certain things that can help you increase sales. After all, the common perspective of any business is to gain profits and build a reputation. Since, I have cracked the code; I would love to tell you in this post how vintage furniture like Fritz Hansen Swan Chair, Egg Chair and Hay Mags Sofa worked for me.

Also there are many ways that can work out. Since my way did, here is exactly what happened.

I Started My Business as a Reseller

Nowadays you can find many third party sellers selling products on eBay and Amazon. They are earning a healthy living. But do you know their secret of earning. Let me put light on it.

They purchase products in bulk from wholesale markets at lesser prices. Then without starting their own shop in the local market they get a reseller account online. They target big and attract both the domestic and the international market. I didn’t have faith in this process until my friend started earning more than me.

I followed the above process, but offline. I have a large place in the local market and I sell luxury furniture from different manufacturers. The sales were fine until one day my friend asked me to help him connect with some of my wholesale contacts.

He Started a Website

Since he bought similar products I had in my store, he came and took multiple pictures. Then he uploaded them in the website and did Search Engine Optimization for it. It cost him around 10 percent of the rent I pay for my shop!

Within 6 months after he bought his website, he came to me and offered me a business plan! He sold all 35 products he bought and earned around 30% profits!

Partnered with my Friend in Business

He asked me to keep running the shop and he will take care of the online sales. We will have everything in equal and it was acceptable to me. I wasn’t worried about facing loss. But I was worried when he asked me to place orders for 20 pieces of all the brands I sale!

I sell products from 4 manufacturers and I have around 5 or 6 types of products from each of them. This makes around 100 pieces of furniture! It was a lot of investment and I asked him if he was sure of the success rate?

Change of Plans

We made two divisions of our website. To build reputation offline while creating awareness among the public, I converted my store to a warehouse and painted the website name on its shutter! My friend opted for selling products like Fritz Hansen Swan Chair, Egg Chairs and Hay Mags Sofa!Fritz hansen swan chair3

So we concluded that we will invest on the new products and put Fritz Hansen Swan Chair, Egg Chairs and Hay Mags Sofa under the Vintage Tab. For the remaining products in the store, we will offer them under the Trending Tab.

Reduced order quantity to 50 and 10 each for the Vintages!

Since we converted the store into a warehouse, we lowered the order quantity. I generally order 50 pieces every six months. Now, it was time to check if those 50 of them sales within 6 months. I didn’t hope to get sales for the costlier Fritz Hansen Swan Chair and others.

But what happened within the next 6 months was opposite! We received orders from Fashion Designing firms and sold all our egg chairs in 2 months! The Swan sold out in the 5th month and there were around 4 pieces of hay mags sofa still remaining!

For the trending ones, it took us around 6.5 months to sell around 42 pieces! This made us focus on vintage tab more. But we didn’t dissolve the trending tab. It created a healthy reputation as well.


Now the sales are stable and the revenue generated is 22.3 to 25% more than what I got from my shop. So, become a reseller and sell products online. It can help you earn more than you expect. Set a plan and execute. It will work if you will to make it work.

Good Luck

Published by Archetypen

We at Archetypen are committed to providing outstanding home improvement products like tables, chairs, and other furnitures that has been ruling the world since their inception. At our store, we house those handpicked designs that gives a meaning to your interiors at the most competitive prices ever possible. So wait no more and visit our website today!

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